Wednesday, October 5, 2011


At the risk of sounding sentimental or cliche, I do have to write a 'goodbye' post. 

This is our last morning in Korea and in a few hours will be boarding a plane to Thailand for a little vacation before eventually going back to Canada. 

I want and need to say thank you to everything and everyone that has made this year what it was in every way.  

Thank you first of all to a country where I've been able to pursue my three passions of children, teaching, and running.  I've gained experience with kids and learning in ways that I'd never even considered.  I've met children I will never forget and who I hope never forget me. Korea has shown me a new culture with new and different ways of living. The people here are like none I have ever met and have taught me a lot about respect, honour and generosity.

Because I HAVE to talk about running I must say that I've been able to participate in more races in one year than the rest of the years in my life combined.  I've been lucky enough to stand on the podium with race times that at home would barely place me in the top 20-30 finishers but here have allowed me to be a 'SUPASTAR'. I'm sure one race at home will be pretty humbling:).  I've met kindred running spirits that have become amazing friends and who I have no doubt I will make an effort to see again... Ottawa Marathon 2012 anyone???
Running in Korea was more than I ever thought it would be and I can't imagine the year without it.  

Secondly, thank you to the people I've met here.  Without you, this would have been nothing but a trip to another country. With you, it's been a life-changing 13 months.  Every single one of you has taught me something and given me a new perspective on friendship.  For my own sanity I have to believe that I will see each and every one of you again and I refuse to admit that that is probably a pretty high hope. If you ever find yourself in my part of Canada, know that you have a place to stay and a willing host/tour guide!

Finally, thank you to everyone at home.  Leaving you was hard, missing you was hard, and coming back to you will be one of the happiest, most exciting times in my life (I haven't slept in weeks!).  When I needed you, you've been there and made sure I never felt forgotten or left out and I can't tell you how valuable that has been. 

With that, I'm signing off. Thank you for reading my posts, and please please please, KEEP IN TOUCH! If you're one of those ' oh... I'm horrible at keeping in touch!' people, then it's time to change. These are modern times and there's no excuse :)

Thank you, thank you and thank you all.

teachas goodbye!!

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