Tuesday, September 28, 2010

one month in. (or out)

a night at gwangali beach

This past week, I managed to check off a few things from my to-do list. 
We went to a famous temple just north of Busan called 'Beomosa' with Hailey.  As it was my first time at a temple, I wasn't really sure what to do and found it difficult to take the place's authenticity very seriously.  This was due to my exposure to so much 'fake orientalism', (if I may coin the term), and not because of anything at the temple.  It was a beautiful place, surely a very religious experience for most people, but I found myself more impressed with the trails and forest beyond the temple grounds than the buildings themselves.  I'm sure that my own lack of knowledge about Buddhism didn't help either.

After the bumpy bus ride back to town, Hailey showed us a yummy restaurant in the Pusan University (PNU) district that served chicken Korean bbq. Amazing!  Definitely prefer this over the more prevalent fatty pork bites I've had in our neighbourhood.
The best part of the meal was the table by the door with 5 different varieties of Febreeze:  Korean bbq is cooked at the table at does not leave you smelling very fresh when you leave.
bbq don't mind if i do.

We strolled around PNU, where I found a Mizuno store - with my shoes at a cheaper price than home = YAAAAAAAAAY! This made my day.  

To finish off the evening, we had a (couple) pitcher(s) of beer at a pub, along with some delicious coconut covered peanuts.
A delicious day.

We had a low key holiday week. Headed to Haeundae to see Hailey, and Tim went for a swim  - the only one in the water.
little tim for a big swim

On Saturday, we decided to attemp Jangsan, the mountain behind our house one more time, and managed to manoeuvre our way to the top. What an amazing sight!
We were able to walk around the whole top of the mountain, on top of which there is a fenced in area that is closed due to military activities.

The view was just astounding, and I don't even know if the pictures do it justice, but I think they are pretty astounding as well. 

It's been over a month since we flew out of Canadia.
Things are starting to repeat themselves and I foresee my frequency of blog postings and photo albums diminishing.  

The excitement about being in a new country and at a new job is wearing off and homesickness is seeping in through the cracks.  Having experienced my fair share of homesickness, I know this is nothing major and that I will be 100% fine, but I do find myself getting a little teary-eyed when a Christmas song comes up in Itunes, or co-workers talk about visiting with family over the Chu-Seok holiday. 

Of course I know I am being over dramatic because I am finding myself feeling nostalgic over Halloween coloring pages.

The weather is finally cooling down, and I think Fall will be a beautiful season in Busan. 
I run in my first race here on Sunday.  I don't feel like I will do very well, but I am excited to be in the running community again (I miss my XC girls so much!!!).

We will get paid next Thursday, which will be a big comfort. 

Oh! And! I booked tickets for the IAAF (International Athletic Association) world championships in Daegu next August.  Usain Bolt will be racing there, and it will be super exciting.

So long, farewell, our music class is over. 

love and hearts, 

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