Friday, December 3, 2010

It's kind of beginning to look a little like Christmas. maybe.

Centum City lights up.

Somehow it is already December, and my 4th month in Korea.  
The weeks go by incredibly fast, but at the same time, 9 months left still feels like forever to go.  

Tim celebrated his birthday this past week (December 2nd) with a new coffee maker ( no more instant! ) and a lovely birthday parcel from his family.  We were treated with yet another cake at work, but didn't do much partying because next week is pay day - meaning we are surviving on water and scraps - and by 'scraps' I mean Ramyeon.
We did get to celebrate Hailey's birthday the weekend before, when we went out in Haeundae for the first time.  

There have not been any races recently, but we will be doing a fun holiday race on December 19th with our usual group, which should be fun.  Tim will run the 5k and I will do the 10k.  I am praying for a good finish, because I have actually been dependent on my race money for living this month.  Looks like I have finally crossed the amateur/pro line... no going back now!

I am also training for a 1/2 marathon in late February in a city called Miryang.  Ottawa was my last 1/2 marathon and I just missed my goal of 1h30minutes so I am hoping to be able to PB at Miryang.  I've been getting in some awesome long runs along the ocean on the weekends and doing most of my running outside lately as well ( an 87$/month gym membership does not fit into a budget of 50$/week!)

After reading the book 'Born to Run' ( McDougall, 2009), I have been thinking more and more about longer distances and have a glimmer of a desire to run a full marathon.  I have a vague idea of training through winter/spring and running late spring while it's still cool out, but nothing is set in stone, or even written in pencil just yet. 
tarahumara running in copper canyon, Mexico (the storyline for Born to Run)

Christmas is also quickly creeping up and it's been a roller coaster going through the motions of spending a holiday away from home.  We decided a few weeks ago to take a little holiday over our time off ( Dec 23-26th) and fly to Jeju, a small 'tropical' island in southwest Korea which won't be overly tropical in December, but will at least be a little escape. Our dear little friend Christine will join us as well - couldn't spend the holiday without her!
Jeju -ooooooo!!!

I've gotten a couple of packages from home which make a big difference because it lets me know everyone hasn't forgotten me:)
We've also taken advantage of the decorations that our previous apartment dwellers left, and have a very cute and efficient tree in our little room.  Even Rilakkuma and Turkey Lurkey are in on the action. 
Paws wears his sweater for X Ring Day

Yet another Frederictonian, Matt has joined the ranks in Busan and is settling in nicely. It's great to have another familiar face in the city and hopefully the rest of us can help him feel at home.  

As for the ongoing strife between North Korea and South Korea, things are at a standstill as far as I know.  For those who did not hear, last week there was an exchange of fire between the two countries in northwest South Korea.  4 people were killed, and it started up a fight that has been going on for 50 years. 
I think the general opinion here is ' oh North Korea, not again', and I don't feel worried, but there is always a chance of something 'blowing up' , pardon the pun. 

If nothing else, like many other things, it makes me appreciate my little Canada and its little bubble of peace. 

And, FINALLY, I need to send out a big congratulations to my baby sister, Karen who received her X Ring yesterday in Antigonish, NS.   I couldn't be prouder and more sad that I am not there to share the day ( night ) with her.  I can't wait for the inevitable Seymour/XRing photo shoot....

miss you baby kae

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