Saturday, October 9, 2010

pay day.

oh. hey.

A long-ish week has passed in the dong.  We have now been here 6 weeks, and have less than a year left in Korea.  

We finally got paid this week, which feels good, but a little bittersweet cause half of the funds go to paying back what I spent when I didn't have any income for the first month. Catching up is hard to do.

I found out my time for the 10km on Sunday, 42.53, which is about 30 seconds slower than my fastest time- not too shabby! Really I should be running under 40 minutes, but I have not made that happen yet.

After getting paid on Thursday, the first order of business was to hightail it to COSTCO. I was a little bit sickened with myself for wanting to go so badly, but I got over my ' let's try to eat authentically Korean 100% of the time'.

We busted in, bought a membership (35$) and ate some pizza, then grabbed a forklift to load up on 10kg sacks of crackers.  
Actually we did not end up getting many things... cheese was a must, and I found some frozen blueberries, vegetables, and... A PUMPKIN PIE!!!! 

Things were a lot cheaper than I thought they would be, thankfully, because the bill was a pretty penny.

On Friday, we went on a field trip with the kindergarten kids to a sweet potato patch.  It was more of a photo op than anything else, but the kids were pretty cute digging for potato treasure.

Belle with her beast
I nervously made my way to Jangsan yesterday to get my hair done by 'Soo' at Soo Casa.  I was definitely apprehensive going in, but she spoke perfect english, and did a phenom. job on mes cheveux. Another not-so-cheap outing, but worth it for sure.

Christine came to the dong for some Hite and fellowship before we made our way to KSU to bop around the scene there. We hit the arcade first, of course and played some DDR, before making our way into the Karaoke booth.  We met a new friend : Nam/Violet ( but he's not gay, he just really likes violets). We ran into Miss J Sheehan, and pretty much every person that we met at the race last weekend. 
violet wins at DDR. obvi.

The night ended at McDonalds ( hello Shanghai Spice!), as usual, and today looks like a lovely day for the beach!

Race number 2 in one week.... I'm looking forward to going to a different scene for the weekend!

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